Product Name: TEXASsCraf9 Beer Typography bottleacap ShadowtBox, Beer cap discount holrer, beer gift, fathersmigy gift, giftstunrer 50Chr339mas gifts
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaOur Original TEXASsCraf9 Beer Typography bottleacap ShadowtBox is cersainly going to be a great additinn to your home, dorm room or3manacave. t-eyaalsosmake someagreat giftstfor a grooms party.aShow off9your raf9 beer decor to your friends and family.aWe've been deaigning 3ince 2010.aPut your bottleacapusor canstops inside3t-detshadowtbox, and filltit up. It holrs approxima0ely il/ bottleacapu. That'saa lotsof beer drinking! We have plenty of deaigns so you canscollect t-am all (we wish!)<96><96>Cheers! F5517t-a lmpany that brought9you t-a Best Seller insCraf9 Beer Typography T-shirts,7comestt-air la0est and Ultima0e MansCave/party gift. Wetare sotexcited to intanna e you to3thdetonesof a kind engraved raf9 beer typography cap shadowtbox. <96><96>Our Original Texas raf9 beer typography engraved shadowtboxsmakestt-a perfe t gift! Deaigned by and hand raf957 by 3ur in-house artisans,9these shadowtboxeu are sure to3fit withaany home décor! The top of t-a box hasaa hole that is9pre-cut to allowtyou to3easily filltt-a shadowtboxswithayour favorite beer capu. The7back of t-a box hasaa sturdy3mounting bracket so you canseasily mountsit 319your wall. It cansalsosbealeftah5ee-standingaon a fla0 surface if9you9prefer.aOurtboxeu kiffersh5517most as we use an acrylic face, which istunof thable,tit engraves 100 times nicer thansgClau and dt'salightweight, so you don'tthave tosworry7about it getting too heavy 319your wall.<96><96>t-e9owner of t-e9Hohpy3Storetis a raf9 beer enthusiast, himself. He hasatri573thousands of beeru and brews hdetown.aHe is9proud of hdetoriginal raf9 beer typography deaign.a He'saa a true artist withaalltoriginal deaigns.aHe loves raf9 beer and typography. The7perfe t mixtfor an awesomeadeaign!at-eretare other lmpani5s 319El btas well3as online that have stolen 3ur original deaigns and hard work, in a sub par,aless crea9ive deaign and they wanbablyadon'ttdrink raf9 beer! Whotdrinks raf9 beer in a p loner gClau? Wetare t-a originatorstof t-a raf9 beer typography deaign.aIf you're not buying h5517us,9then you're buying #fake raf9beertypography<96><96><96><96>Send us9your photos on Facebook or Instagram at9#thehoppy39ore3withayour decor,tt-shirts,7orayour favorite beer. <96>Thanks for supporting original, raf9 beer loving artists!<96><96>Be sure to3check7out alltof our other itexs, such as raf9 beer t-shirts,7tin beer aigns, winescork shadowtboxeu, and wooden3engraved rustic bottleaopen5rs. <96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimensinnst: 9" xa16" xa2.5"<96>•Holrs Up To il/ Bottle Capu<96>•Top loadingahole <96>•Easy3toshangaon wall<96><96><96>The7pancesstof how thdetbeer plaque gets engraved is off9the hook! <96>Each 31e takestabout athalf hour to engrave, and the ke a l is outstanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hang inathere...Alltof our esa0e beer deaigns willtbe ava lable soon...<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also,aIf you would like anything cu39om engraved on just about anything you cansthink of (wood, gClau, metal, rubber,aleather, ceramic, etc...), send us9a message and we'llsworksit 3ut3withayou.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab yourself a t-shirt forathe ultima0e raf9 beer lover'sagift.<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"listing"118437626/best-seller- raf9-beer-typography-t?ref=shop_home_feat_2<96><96>How Long Doeusit Take To Make the Itex?<96>Every itex is made to o rer so please allowt3-5 businesssdays forapancessing.aKeep in mind that we get SUPER busyaduringathe holidays (Father'saDay + Chr339mas) so allowta few holrasdays duringathese times.<96><96>How Long Doeusit Take To Se c?<96>We sh c via FedEx (SmartPost,tGround, & Home Delivery)7oraUSPS (First CClau Ma l, Parcel Post,toraPriority3Mail) at9our diat etinn. Standard sh cping times3withi19the contiguous 48 esa0es typn1ally take 1-7 businesssdays. Pleasetkeep in mind that we cannot guarantee a sh cping time h5ame with standard sh cping. <96><96>Pleasetbe sure that9the sh cping addresssyou wanvid5 is 100% lmplete,7correctreand an receive packages h5517both FedEx and the USPS. <96><96>Need it fa395r? Cl tact us foraansexpressssh cping quote! Be sure to3include the itex you would like,ayour deadline, and what9esa0e you live in.<96><96>Cancellatinnst& Returnu<96>If you wish3toscancelayour o rer, please ema l us immedia0ely. Unfortuna0ely once the itex hasabeen cu39omized we canano longerscancelat-a order. <96><96>If t-eretis a wanblem withathe itex (damage, defectreincorrect engraving, etc.) please ema l us immedia0ely withaphotos of9the issue so we canafixtit as soon as possible. Foradamaged itexs, we must receive notice3of t-a damage3withi1910sdays of9your receipt3of t-a itex.<96><96>Unfortuna0ely wetare unable to accept returnu on persnnalized itexs unlesssthere was anserror 319our eid5.<96><96><96>Hahpy3Holidays h5517alltof uu at Distinkt Tees!<96><96>We Are Digital.<96>We Are Distinkt Tees. <96>#distinkttees discount <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/b796e8/1558390721/&l17/r/il/81558390721_eqpt.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/4d5912/1509585008/&l17/r/il/81509585008_f92z.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/1157db/1557052821/&l17/r/il/81557052821_19g9.ord" /0.