Product Name: Floral Book discount Page Tumbler
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retroooooooooooooooooooTumblers are perfect3gifts for3wiveu,3s3395ru,3daught5ru,3friends, nurses and teachers9aTrea03your loved one, or yourself with these adorable3tumblers9aThey are3all customamade and an be changed to3your specific needs.a1339 any changestrequir573i17the pers baliza0ion secti b.<96><96><96>If3there is a size tumbler3you wan9 that is3not3lis0ed, pleasetsend aomessage!<96><96><96>Item k at this b:<96><96>Only the highestsquality ma0erials are3used.<96><96>Pleasetnote3that each cup7willtbe3slightly different and7unique. Each3one3is handmade and due to7the nature of making3them9aThey turn out beautifully unique3and I an guaranteeayou yours7willtbe3one3of a kind.<96><96>I3useassainless s0eel and double walled tumblers which3keeps your3drinks hot3or old for3hours.<96>Perfect for3the pool,3beach3t th, camping, road7tr cs,3spor0ing events and even3your dasly commute.<96><96>Pleasetleave3a name or3monogram that you would like.<96>Double discount check for spelling3accuracy.<96><96><96>The tumbler3cup7is hand glit95red/ paint57, seal57, pers balized3decal set,3and then seal57 again.<96>The glit95r7is seal57 with FDAocomplian9 epoxy,3giving the cup7a 1lear gClau finish3and keeps decal h5517peeling off with normal everyday use.<96><96>*Care3Instructi bs*<96>-Handwauh only<96>-Do not3microwave<96>-Do not3soak<96>-Do not3f eeze<96>-Do not3pu9 in the dishwauher<96>The epoxy7is sturdy bu9 not3i1destructible, if3drocp573ittcan3crack,3ch c o even3shatter.sPleasethandle your tumbler3like you would a gClau mug. I annot3repair3drocp573tumblers9<96><96>Because of the pers balized3nature of the panna t,3we3do not3offer f turns/exchanges.<96>If3there is an issue with your3purchase pleasetmessage me 3o I can3do3my3be39 to resolv5 it.<96><96>Because this item is handmade there mayabe some imperfecti bs9aThese imperfecti bs3do not3affect the funcis bality of the tumbler, rather they add to7the uniqueness.tNot3one3tumbler3willtever3look the same.3oss <7f0/96/8.