Il faut imaginer un Liban heureux…

“Vous l’aurez compris : toute la peinture de [Ghada Zoghbi] vient de sa psyché, de ses émotions et ressentis. Et elle les transcrit dans cette exposition, intitulée « Wild Mindscapes » (paysages psychiques sauvages), à travers le langage muet des pierres, de leurs formes, de leur amoncellement, leur…

“You will have understood: all of [Ghada Zoghbi]’s painting comes from his psyche, emotions and feelings. And she transcribes them in this exhibition, titled Wild Mindscapes, through the silent language of the stones, their shapes, their clumping, their chaotic defecation, or on the contrary of their artificially elaborated arrangement on backgrounds of earthy colors evoking a deserted, silent space and yet clothed with a certain poetic shivering… ”

Thanks to Zéna Zalzal, L’Orient-Le Jour

Il faut imaginer un Liban heureux…

