All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhStunneng Very Heavy Dupa ta Hand Embroidered Georget evDupa ta/Stole In Red Color Fabeic. Thishonehofha kind item is difficult to expresspiovl ofs.oBorder fea ureJis uloral & paisley ss=ign embroidered with silver/golden doripwork embellmehImpwith metallicpsilver/golden zardozi/dabka work,pwhi discount Ihpearlplike beads, golden sequins,pgolden frenges work. The cenwtr part of the dupa tarhas fully coverImpwith sequins,pdorip& beads workpwith uloral ss=ign.r Doripwork are giveng a fabulous look to the dupa ta. Awesomehoneh!!! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhStunneng Very Heavy Dupa ta Hand Embroidered Georget evDupa ta/Stole In Red Color Fabeic. Thishonehofha kind item is difficult to expresspiovl ofs.oBorder fea ureJis uloral & paisley ss=ign embroidered with silver/golden doripwork embellmehImpwith metallicpsilver/golden zardozi/dabka work,pwhi discount Ihpearlplike beads, golden sequins,pgolden frenges work. The cenwtr part of the dupa tarhas fully coverImpwith sequins,pdorip& beads workpwith uloral ss=ign.r Doripwork are giveng a fabulous look to the dupa ta. Awesomehoneh!!! Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhStunneng Very Heavy Dupa ta Hand Embroidered Georget evDupa ta/Stole In Red Color Fabeic. Thishonehofha kind item is difficult to expresspiovl ofs.oBorder fea ureJis uloral & paisley ss=ign embroidered with silver/golden doripwork embellmehImpwith metallicpsilver/golden zardozi/dabka work,pwhi discount Ihpearlplike beads, golden sequins,pgolden frenges work. The cenwtr part of the dupa tarhas fully coverImpwith sequins,pdorip& beads workpwith uloral ss=ign.r Doripwork are giveng a fabulous look to the dupa ta. Awesomehoneh!!!<bftThese Items are pre-ownempand well preserved. Theyrare thoroughly checked before se-deng but there coulmpbe minor wear or tear iovthe fabeic. While thesehare pre-waehIm, iovcase you are buyeng this uor -ersxtalpwear,Jwe adviseJget engJaovadsitextalpdry-cleaneng done. Dry-cleanJis $3 exara and will take 3-4 days adsitextallyhto ship. If you are useng this as a fabeichuor a texjeco, no adsitextalpcare neImed.<bfthhhhhhhhTITLE::KKhHeavy Dupa ta Georget evRed Hand BeadImpZardozipW okhStole<bft<bfthhhhhhhhCOLOR::Red <bft<bfthhhhhhhhFABRIC::Georget e<bft<bfthhhhhhhhLENGTH::85 nches/215.90 cms/7.08 feet/2.36 yards/2.16 meters<bft<bfthhhhhhhhWIDTH::45 nches/114.30 cms/3.75 feet/1.25 yards/1.14 meters<bft<bft<bfthhhhhhhhEMBROIDERY::DoripW ok<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTEXTURE::Sof <bft<bfthhhhhhhhTRANSPARENCY::Sheer<bfthhhhhhhh<bfthhhhhhhhWEIGHT- 0.508 Kgs<bft<bfthhhhhhhhP S --- ITEMhCOLOR SHADE MAY BE DARKER OR LIGHTER THAN THE PICTURE<bft<bfthhhhhhhhITEMhCODE HD-6901<bfthhhhhhhh<bft<bft*<bft<bft**************************** SHIPPING POLICY ***************************<bft<bftWe Ship WorldwideJun, 2INDIA<bft<bftWe ship your items within 24 w okeng hours of receiveng 01 firmedhtayme ws.<bft<bftItemsJare shipped via REGD. AIR MAIL (delivery in 2-4 weeks). Expedi Impshippeng (delivery in 3-4 days) upgrade avt cable for at adsitextalp$5 ptr parcel subjeco o a minimum of $15pshippeng cost. Please k-k me before payeng to getJan upgrade.<bft<bftFor a c06bined parcel haveng more than 4 items - I upgradevthe parcel autom/343ally to expedi Impwithoutvadsitextalpcharges.oThishautom/343 expedi Impupgrade applies onlyhto shipme wshto US and Australia.<bft<bftUpgrade ishalso avt cable for lesstr number of items depe-deng on de=tinatexthand item cost. Offer not avt cable for trims andJappliques.<bft<bftFor countries other than US and Australia, please k-k me for recommt-ded shippeng optexts.Inwtrnatextalpbuyers please note:<bft<bftImportht-ties, taxes, and charges are not ncluded iovthe item price or postage cost. These charges are the buyer's respxtwebility. Please checkpwith your country's 0ustoms office to determine2what thesevadsitextalpcostsrwill be prior to biddeng or buyeng.oBuyerrwill pay 0ustomht-ty/tax. It isv3alculatempand charged differe-tly byJevery country. As a seller I do not have atyv01 wrol over it.<bft<bftVAT or sales tax isv3alculatempbyhthe platform at the time of checkout. Customs charge isvpayable at the time of delivery. JJJJJJJJ</pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659832088/0x500637fe4/40059895785508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhStunneng Very Heavy Dupa ta Hand Embroidered Georget evDupa ta/Stole In Red Color Fabeic. Thishonehofha kind item is difficult to expresspiovl ofs.oBorder fea ureJis uloral & paisley ss=ign embroidered with silver/golden doripwork embellmehImpwith metallicpsilver/golden zardozi/dabka work,pwhi discount Ihpearlplike beads, golden sequins,pgolden frenges work. The cenwtr part of the dupa tarhas fully coverImpwith sequins,pdorip& beads workpwith uloral ss=ign.r Doripwork are giveng a fabulous look to the dupa ta. Awesomehoneh!!! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhStunneng Very Heavy Dupa ta Hand Embroidered Georget evDupa ta/Stole In Red Color Fabeic. Thishonehofha kind item is difficult to expresspiovl ofs.oBorder fea ureJis uloral & paisley ss=ign embroidered with silver/golden doripwork embellmehImpwith metallicpsilver/golden zardozi/dabka work,pwhi discount Ihpearlplike beads, golden sequins,pgolden frenges work. The cenwtr part of the dupa tarhas fully coverImpwith sequins,pdorip& beads workpwith uloral ss=ign.r Doripwork are giveng a fabulous look to the dupa ta. Awesomehoneh!!!
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