125g 57mm STUNNING discount Milky white Quartz (clear core) PIERCED INTO Green Fluorite, Natural Mineral Specimen from China CM890153
125g 57mm STUNNING discount Milky white Quartz (clear core) PIERCED INTO Green Fluorite, Natural Mineral Specimen from China CM890153,
Size: 57*51*48 mm
Weight: 125 g
Locality: Chifeng Inner Mongolia China
The most interesting & special of this.
Product code: 125g 57mm STUNNING discount Milky white Quartz (clear core) PIERCED INTO Green Fluorite, Natural Mineral Specimen from China CM890153
Size: 57*51*48 mm
Weight: 125 g
Locality: Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China
The most interesting & special of this specimen is that, the sharp well termianted milky white Quartz point PIERCED into the Jelly like Cubic Fluorite crystal. The Fluorite crystals are clear discount and transparent, nice green color, with lovely purple PHANTOM inside. The core of the milky white Quartz points are clear, Unusual & interesting!