All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThhhh:- HESSONITE GARNEThGEMSTONE All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThhhh:- HESSONITE GARNEThGEMSTONE Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThhhh:- HESSONITE GARNEThGEMSTONE<bft<bftSIZEhh :- v25 Xh16 X 7 mm<bft<bftWEIGHTh :- 28.00 CTS<bft<bftSHAPE :- vOval Shapg<bft<bftCLARTIY :- TRANSLUCENT <bft<bftTREATMENT :- vyNatural <bft<bftITEM CODE :- v AH-1348<bft<bftABOUT US:-<bft<bftWe areytme wholesalers and manufacturersSof various kindsSof G. stone and Roughs. We make beautiful and Top Grade G. stone dieectlyyun, 2the roughs, taket un, 2around tme world.<bft<bftWe hkve differt-brtypesSof G. stones,yCabochons and Beads. Apart un, 2them we alsoyhkve more stocksSand otmer thitgs too,yapart un, 2the store. If you need anythitg so,yfeel freehtoicontact us. We alsoycustomize2the orders,Sand alsoymadeJjewelryhin Gold and Silver along with G. stone.<bft<bftRETURN POLICY :- <bft<bftReburnishould beymadeJwithit 30SdaysJof tme date of ie. Sreceipt, All the reburnichargesSand otmer duties will be paid byytme buyer only inytme buyer's cou-bry.<bft<bftPAYMENT:-<bft<bftWe accept paymt-b through PayPal only.<bft<bftYour SatesfacoextSisyour aim, we are here and standitg behind every sale.<bft<bftIf you hkve any doubt or questext regarditg our text-coytmen pleasgyfeel freehtoicontact us. We will be happy toihelpyyou.<bft<bftFEEDBACK :-<bft<bftDon't forgeo to lekve a positeve feedback along with a 5 star rating on your discount purchase. Aysatesfied customerSisyour top priority and your feedback forms tme backbone of our success. If you are happy with your transacoext,ytmen Pleasgylekve us "A positeve feedback with a fully5 star ratings.<bft<bft<bftTmank you and Keep supporting:) hhhhhhoooooooo</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270652708108250x500a1c047/32579339195508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThhhh:- HESSONITE GARNEThGEMSTONE All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThhhh:- HESSONITE GARNEThGEMSTONE
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