TC-14, the STAR WARS Female Droid in the Employ of the Trade Federation, discount Here in Die Cast Metal -- and Highly Collectible!
This is a heavy and finely detailed metal action figure of TC-14 part of.
This is a heavy and finely detailed metal action figure of TC-14, part of a line of premium die cast action figures of iconic Droids -- called the Star Wars Elite Series" -- from the famous 1997 film "Star Wars".
From the packaging:
"TC-14 is discount a protocol droid that was in the employ of the Trade Federation on their Profiteer-class droid control ship Saak'ak. She showed Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn to a conference room where she offered them refreshments while the Trade Federation plotted against them."
This series of Star Wars droid figures was produced by Disney in collaboration with Lucasfilm Ltd.
The packaging is all black and white and gray with details in silver foil -- gorgeous! And the packaging is in near -mint condition, with just a few barely noticeable tiny scuffs.
A black plastic disc behind her seems to be a display stand for her. It is about 3-1/2" (or more) wide and has the iconic "Star Wars" logo across the front!
Here's the perfect Lucasfilm-Disney droid to add to your STAR WARS Collection, or to give as a special gift to your favorite Star Wars fan or a child or teen who would cherish hours of play with this gorgeous droid!
Or place her bedside table, on a shelf, or by your computer -- and take yourself back to the thrilling Star Wars adventures!
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